Total Return To The Saver During 1st Quarter, 2005

The credit unions featured on this page have been identified, according to one set of criteria, as delivering superior value to their members on the saving side of the business.

Determining how a credit union stands relative to its peers is a complex issue. Callahan & Associates, Washington, D.C., has attempted to do just that, however, with what it calls its Return to the Member ranking system.

According to Callahan's, Return to the Member is designed to help a credit union analyze its member service levels based on the information reported in 5300 Call Reports.

Callahan's describes it as an "economic profile based on the value of your credit union's products and services.

"This includes a computation of member service levels, stressing the importance of striving for full member usage of a credit union's products."

The core components of Return to the Member are three functions: lending, savings, and member usage.

The Credit Union Journal regularly publishes the Return of the Member Rankings overall, offering a snapshot of the rankings for all three components, but the following set of charts takes a closer look at how well CUs are "giving back" to their members through savings-what Callahan's calls "Return to the Savers."

Return to the Savers is the first component of the Return to the Member statistics, and it measures how well a credit union is doing in providing deposit services back to members.

The Credit Union Journal has featured the high-performers in the Return to the Member rankings as part of its Success Stories features, which examine why and how the credit union's management has been able to drive the credit union's success.

For readers interested in more information from Callahan & Associates, contact the firm at 800-446-7453. Readers Can Offer Their Thoughts To The Credit Union Journal by e-mailing fdiekmann We look forward to hearing from you.

Editor's note: For spacing reasons, The Credit Union Journal was not able to include the smallest asset size category-$0 to $2 million-in the following tables.

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