Research Report

Enabling innovation: Cybersecurity's next act

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The state of cybersecurity is going through a metamorphosis as financial services leaders are transitioning from a mentality of fortifying the IT perimeter to one where an organization provides secure, distributed access to customers, staff and third-parties. 

Many of the drivers behind the shift – the rise of mobile, demand for third-party access to customer data and remote workforces – are here to stay. The growth in cybercrime, mirroring the growth in digital, only adds to the complexity. Simply pushing up defenses can inadvertently act as a roadblock to innovation, underscoring the importance of having the right strategy in place to enable business transformation.

This report explores the state of cybersecurity, how leaders are working to protect and provide access to their data as well as the impact breaches have on company cybersecurity strategies.

Gain answers to key questions:

  • Are organizations struggling to balance the needs for more robust cybersecurity with innovation and product development goals?
  • How is the growing demand by customers for third-party apps impacting the financial services industry?
  • What is the biggest threat in cybersecurity leaders are expecting over the next 2 years?
  • How much are organizations increasing their cybersecurity spending?