American Banker readers share their views on the most pressing banking topics of the week. Comments are excerpted from reader response sections of AmericanBanker.com articles and our social media platforms.

On women business owners preferring banking experiences more so than men:

"….And why wouldn't they be? Banks don't burp!"

Related Article: Women Business Owners Happier with Banks than Men: J.D. Power


On a proposed strategy for banks to focus on good customers rather than millennials:

"The idea that you can give up on millennials and then, somehow, magically take them away from big banks once they become 'profitable' in the future doesn't seem like the best of plans. Big banks are big…not stupid."

Related Article: Let Big Banks Chase 'Millennials,' Just Focus on Good Customers


On a privacy service that obscures merchant names in credit card statements (via <a href="https://twitter.com/tricameral/status/659131034265522177" target="_blank">Twitter</a>):

"'Honey, what's this unlabeled [credit card] purchase?' 'None of your business, Baby.' Should of used #bitcoin."

Related Article: Can This Startup Restore Privacy in Payments and Turn a Profit?


In response to SunTrust's severance agreement idea, which would have mandated its laid-off IT workers to be on call:

"SunTrust customers, technical outages are coming to a theater near you. Be afraid, very afraid."

Related Article: You're Fired, Stick Around: SunTrust's IT Severance Clause Debacle


On comparison-shopping sites threatening marketplace lenders' profits (via <a href="https://www.facebook.com/AmericanBanker/?fref=nf" target="_blank">Facebook</a>):

"Lol, it's called competition. The basis for capitalism."

Related Article: Latest Threat to Marketplace Lenders' Profits: Comparison Shoppers


A response to an op-ed on why distributed ledgers used by the industry need to be public resources (via <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/3qkggi/american_banker_private_distributed_ledgers_miss/" target="_blank">Reddit</a>):

"The major benefit of blockchain technology is that it creates social pressure on banks to innovate."

Related Article: Private 'Distributed Ledgers' Miss the Point of a Blockchain


On Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the CFPB's founder, and Director Richard Cordray discussing hot topics together:

"Independent agency? Why didn't the Director have a press conference with a Republican Senator as well or comment on the Republican candidates for the Presidency? There is no optics problem here — just move along."

Related Article: Warren, Cordray Talk Presidential Politics, Post Office Banking


On how results from the Durbin amendment are nebulous:

"We do know that millions of income was reallocated from banks to merchants, which was 'sold' as benefiting the consumer. The real beneficiaries were the merchants, which is what it was all about at the core. More redistribution of income will still not benefit the consumer, just the merchants."

Related Article: Where's the Proof that Durbin Failed Consumers?