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Running for veterans

An employee of Medford, N.Y.-based Suffolk Federal Credit Union is supporting veterans by running over 184 miles in one week. Eva Casale of Suffolk Federal formed Team E.V.A. (standing for Every Veteran Appreciated) and ran a 26.2-mile marathon each day in honor of locals who have served.
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Assisting with autism

The State Employees' Credit Union Foundation of Raleigh, N.C., pledged $40,000 to St. Gerard House, a nonprofit entity that assists those with autism. The donation is a capacity building grant which the nonprofit can use for strategic planning and human resources development.
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'Footrace for the Fallen'

The Manchester Police Athletic League received a $7,500 donation from Manchester, N.H.-based Members First Credit Union for the Footrace for the Fallen 5k Road Race.
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Youth financial development

Winston-Salem, N.C.-based Truliant CU received two state-level awards from the Carolinas Credit Union Foundation in recognition of its youth financial education development and natural disaster relief response efforts.
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Serving communities

Midland, Mich.-based Dow Chemical Employees' Credit Union received a Benefits of Membership Award from the Credit Union National Association in recognition of its community service efforts.
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Best in business

The N.H. Business Review's "Best of Business Awards" named Manchester, N.H.-based St. Mary's Bank, the nation's first credit union, as one of the best credit unions.
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Expanding health services

Deptford, N.J.-based South Jersey Federal Credit Union awarded the AtlantiCare Foundation a $25,000 check toward a health park and expanding a cardiac suite. The AtlatiCare Foundation is known for its work in community-based initiatives.
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Revitalizing homes

Robins Financial Credit Union volunteers committed a weekend to revitalizing home projects in the area thanks to a partnership between the Warner Robins, Ga.-based credit union and nonprofit organization Rebuilding Together. The volunteers pressure-washed houses, repaired fences and tackled various yard work activities.
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Foundation donation

The Security Service Charitable Foundation issued a $10,000 check to the In His Steps organization to purchase 400 pairs of children's shoes for those in need. The foundation is connected to Security Service Federal Credit Union based in San Antonio, Texas.
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Supporting education and advocacy

First Financial Federal Credit Union in Lutherville, Md., participated in the Maryland Multicultural Conference as a vendor to support education and advocacy within the state.