Fujitsu Launches Palm Vein BiometricAuthentication

SUNNYVALE, Calif. - (03/09/06) – Fujitsu Computer Products ofAmerica on Wednesday unveiled its new compact and higherperformance PalmSecure biometric authentication device for ATMs,computer login and room access security systems. The device allowsATM or computer users to authenticate their identities by theunique vein architecture in the palm of their hands. The nextgeneration of the device provides dramatically fasterauthentication rate and verification time reduced to about half thetime as the original model. Fujitsu has already installed 10,000Palm Vein sensors in Japan in banks, universities, hospitals and atprivate residences. The new Fujitsu PalmSecure can be connecteddirectly to the USB port of a noteboook PC, or embedded intodesktop PC keyboards.

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