2003 Quote Unquote

The credit union movement is not going to roll over and play dead; not in Utah and not anywhere else in the country.

-Fred Nydegger

[Field of membership] is the one that is the 800-pound gorilla. It will be the spark point."

-Patrick LaPine

We need to clean up the mess that was created in HR 1151.

-Jonathan Lindley

If the long-term goal of the NCUA is to speed the decline of the number of credit unions in the U.S., this proposal should be quite effective.

-Muriel Blake, on NCUA's TIPs proposal

The legislation has represented a fair and reasonable attempt to rein in what a member of our credit union board called "using a bankruptcy as a financial planning tool."

-Lucile Beckwith

As [credit unions] get a foothold, they are like the kudzu of our industry. They take hold of a product line and they decimate it.

-Harris Simmons

Watch the Sunday papers and when Bank of America comes out with something that looks cool, copy it.

-Mark Faircloth, senior consultant at Omega Performance Corp.

The biggest problem to the banker's approach is that it's not what's good for them but what's bad for us.

-Scott Earl (c) 2007 The Credit Union Journal and SourceMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved. http://www.cujournal.com http://www.sourcemedia.com

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