Minnesotans Told: Supportive Track Record No Indicator

Representatives of Minnesota's credit unions were given updates from NCUA and CUNA during the recent Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) here.

"You are all our best lobbyists. We can't do this without you," said Karen Ward Kincer, CUNA's Political Director, as she addressed 110 Minnesota credit union activists at the Minnesota Credit Union Network luncheon in Washington. "What you do here in Washington, D.C., is very important in showing the grassroots strength that credit unions have."

J. Leon Peace, Jr., CUNA's analyst on tax issues, detailed credit unions' most important legislative issues, including individual development accounts, retirement savings reform and sub-chapter S legislation.

NCUA Board Member Deborah Matz reminded attendees, "Don't assume that because legislators have been with you on issues in the past that they always will be."

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