Operational 'Care Packages' Enroute ToMississippi CUs

TALLAHASEE, Fla. - (09/07/05) -- A tractor-trailer truck carrying adozen operations 'care packages' was making its way Tuesday nightalong the Gulf Coast, from Southeast Corporate FCU to corporatemembers in Biloxi, Pascagoula and other Mississippi areas batteredlast week by Hurricane Katrina. Each of the 12 packages includes: agenerator for back-up power; a window air conditioner; fans,extension cords, surge protectors; gas, a cellphone with anout-of-the area exchange and 2,000 minutes; extra batteries; adesktop computer; and air mattresses for employees of the targetedcredit unions who have been unable to return to damaged homes. Thetractor-trailer is also carrying portable toilets donated by theCredit Union 24 electronic funds network. The materials werecollected over last weekend by staff at Southeast Corporate FCU. ANational Guardsman was traveling with the delivery to ensure theability of the materials to get through to their intendeddestination.

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