The plan from the Heritage Foundation, a group the first Trump administration was largely in line with, would shutter CFPB, break up HUD and raise FHA premiums.
June 27 -
The announcement, made at the Mortgage Bankers Association's Secondary and Capital Markets Conference, underscores Ginnie Mae's role at the forefront of digitization efforts in the capital markets space.
May 20 -
A recommendation to give Ginnie Mae expanded authorities is drawing focus in the reactions to a Financial Stability Oversight Council report on nonbank risks.
May 17 -
McCargo will succeed Teresa Bryce Bazemore at what the former sees as a "transitional, pivotal moment" for the Federal Home Loan bank.
May 8 -
McCargo stabilized the agency at a crucial time as she helped navigate it through both a pandemic and subsequent dramatic interest-rate cycle change.
April 19 -
A proposed reduction in the amount of overall discretionary spending amounts would hamper both agencies' ability to fulfill their affordable-homeownership missions, the consortium of housing industry advocates said.
December 19 -
Non-depositories now dominate home lending, but many of these firms were untested until they had to grapple with the current rising rate environment. How they fare could significantly impact the rest of the mortgage market and, more specifically, the Government National Mortgage Association.
February 16 -
HUD official Alanna McCargo takes over the top job at the government corporation, which has had a series of acting leaders since 2017.
December 15 -
Financial institutions will have until early October to weigh in about new risk-based capital requirements for nonbanks.
August 13 -
The guarantor of mortgage-backed securities has been without a Senate-confirmed president for four and a half years. The vacancy makes it difficult for other government agencies to coordinate housing objectives, according to stakeholders.
August 12