Smart Bits: Consultants for N.Y. Test Of Visa's Smart Card

Brittain Associates and Business Dynamics Consulting, which teamed up to study the Visa Cash smart card trial during the 1996 Olympics, will repeat the exercise in New York.

The companies said they will monitor the pilot that Chase Manhattan Bank, Citibank, MasterCard, and Visa plan to launch on the Upper West Side of Manhattan in the fourth quarter. They intend to conduct both consumer and merchant research and shed light on the business proposition for stored-value cards.

Brittain, an Atlanta-based research firm, and Business Dynamics, based in Nyack, N.Y., said Deluxe Corp., First Union Corp., Star System Inc., GE Capital Services, and Western Union Financial Services, had already signed on as sponsors.

"Their input will ensure that our investigation will have broad application for all those interested in smart card development in the United States," said Business Dynamics partner Art Clark.

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