Goldman Sachs Group is expected to pay a fine tied to a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau probe into its credit-card business, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.
October 22 -
Regulators will now accept feedback until Jan 16, 2024 — a six-week extension — concurrent with a Federal Reserve effort to gather additional information about the potential implications of the proposed capital changes.
October 20 -
The central bank is exploring how to improve the consistency and transparency of safety and soundness scores used to grade banks and their holding companies, the agency’s vice chairman of supervision said.
December 11 -
Atlantic Community Bankers Bank must improve its anti-money- laundering and Bank Secrecy Act policies and procedures.
October 1 -
A lawsuit filed Tuesday argues that the bureau's establishment of the panel looking into regulatory changes violated the Federal Advisory Committee Act.
June 16 -
After resigning last year under pressure from federal policymakers, the former executive received no severance benefits or annual incentive award.
March 17 -
William Isaac and Howard Milstein plan to provide advice to U.S. and foreign banks of all sizes.
March 12 -
The company disclosed that an internal review of a now-discontinued loan program found that employees engaged in misconduct tied to income verification and requirements, among other things.
March 9 -
The agency says it is not cutting its workforce but that the new strategy is necessary because it has an unusually high number of workers near retirement age.
March 5