Copy request service cuts draft retrieval expense.

The VisaNet Copy Request and Fulfillment Services is a key weapon in BackOffice 2000's fight to reduce chargeback expenses by accelerating the processing of sale draft copy requests and streamlining the flow of draft retrievals.

The traditional method of requesting and sending sales drafts manually has proven uncertain, lengthy and costly. But whereas sales draft requests may have taken weeks to process in the past, a new Visa workstation can significantly shorten the fulfillment time by enabling members to electronically send and receive copies.

The basic workstation, known as the Copy Request Manager, is just one of the VisaNet Copy Request and Fulfillment options, Visa has designed the workstation to be used by issuers, acquirers and merchants. It consists of an advanced IBM PS/2 with a color graphics monitor, a high-speed laser printer and a scanner.

Using the new service, issuers first initiate a copy request through normal BASE II interchange. Acquirers receive the request and can process it on-site or forward it electronically via the Copy Request Manager to merchants or a remote paper-storage location.

Once the sales draft is located, it can be scanned into the workstation and electronically sent to the issuer. The workstation maintains an inventory of outstanding requests and can track their process while avoiding duplicate requests.

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