70 Mo. CU Reps Attend Lobby Day

More than 70 representatives from 34 Missouri credit unions turned out here for the Missouri Credit Union System Lobby Days. The event began with a dinner at which attendees met and ate with 25 state senators and representatives from across the state. Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-District 115) served as keynote speaker for the legislative breakfast at the Capitol Plaza Hotel. Luetkemeyer is House Minority Caucus Chair and a member of the Banking and Finance Committee. He addressed current legislation and progress in this year's session. Missouri Credit Union System staff briefed attendees on legislation, the upcoming elections, and visits with elected officials. Missouri Credit Union System lobbyists are focusing on Senate Bill 1106. This consent bill will stagger the terms of the state's CU Commission members, and extend the exam schedule from 12 to 18 months for qualifying credit unions.

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