African-American CU Coaltion, NAFCU To Partner

NAFCU is joining with the African-American Credit Union Coalition to establish the NAFCU Cornerstone Award, which will provide the recipients with free registration to one of four NAFCU educational events.

The award will be given annually to two AACUC members to help defray the costs of attending one of the following: NAFCU's CEOs Conference, Volunteers Conference, Lending and Collection Strategies Conference or Regulatory Compliance School. In addition to receiving free registration, the recipients will be given a year's subscription to The Federal Credit Union, NAFCU's bimonthly magazine. AACUC and NAFCU officials will select the winners on the basis of a written essay on how attendance at the meeting will benefit them. Judges will also take into consideration the financial status of an applicant's credit union-that is, judges will look at whether the credit union lacks the funds, because of budget constraints or size, to send the applicant to the conference or school, NAFCU said.

Applications are available at

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