Members Get Extra Payday For Tales Of Wasted Money

Three members of Sunmark Federal Credit Union were awarded extra paychecks as part of its "Win an extra payday with Sunmark and Direct Deposit" promotion. Wendy Kennedy, Fred Randall, and Gene Hinkle, all Capital District residents, won an extra paycheck from the credit union as it sought to encourage participation in Direct Deposit. To participate in the promo, Sunmark members had to demonstrate that they used direct deposit, and share a short story about the most ridiculous thing on which they ever spent a paycheck.

One winner bought a device from a TV ad that supposedly firmed facial muscles and jawlines that turned out to be a foam ball. Another purchased a motorcycle to impress a girlfriend. Not only did they never ride it, but while trying to sell the motorcycle a test driver totaled the bike, necessitating legal action (the member and his girlfriend did later marry). Another winner dropped everything to join his World War II comrades on a tour of D-Day sites in France.

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