Product & Service

PSCU-FS Plans Regional Meetings

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.-PSCU Financial Services will host four regional meetings for its member-owners that will focus on building successful credit and debit card programs. The meetings will be held in Honolulu, August 5; Las Vegas, Aug. 18-19; McLean, Va., Sept 21-22; and Chicago, Oct. 5-6. The meetings will discuss "how to" tactics for segment marketing, activation and growth strategies, and tips for success gleaned from the industry's top performers.

Separately, PSCU-FS said regular surveys of credit union cardholders who use its call center are giving it an overall satisfaction rating of 4.7 on a scale of 5.0. Eighty one percent of all calls are answered within 26 seconds, with a low 2.3% abandonment rate, which the company said greatly exceeds the Visa Functional Cost Study industry average answer time of 58 seconds with a 9.4% abandon rate. "In addition to handling lost/stolen calls for more than 4.7 million debit cardholders, we are also equipped to handle most questions and issues posed by cardholders," said David J. Serlo, President of PSCU Financial Services.

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Profound Communications Selected

COLUMBUS, Ohio-Members First Credit Union has selected Profound Communications, a specialist in credit union profit growth strategies, to complete a year-long Smart Mail agreement to target prospects through smarter direct mail. "The Members First Smart Mail product includes 33,300 personalized and demographically customized direct mail letters that have been carefully selected from a growing and comprehensive library of more than 130 different variations of financial direct mail letters," the company said.

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NW Corp. Sees Strong Growth

PORTLAND, Ore.-Fifteen months after revamping rates, Northwest Corporate FCU said it has seen approximately a 40% increase in the number of credit unions investing in its term and structured certificates. That, in turn, has driven an almost 100% growth in its term certificate portfolio. "Even with historically high loan-to-share ratios, our members have invested more money with us simply because we offer the right rate at the right term," said Eddie Bernhardt, Portfolio Manager at NCFCU. (c) 2005 The Credit Union Journal and SourceMedia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

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