Schumer Lies In Wait Again

WASHINGTON - (03/04/05 -- New York Sen. Charles Schumer, theman who scuttled the bankruptcy reform bill each of the last twocongresses, said he is preparing to propose his 'poison pill'amendment again next week as the Senate approaches a final vote onthe credit union-backed measure. Schumer told The Credit UnionJournal he will propose his amendment to bar abortion clinicprotesters from shielding their assets under bankruptcy but withoutthe words "abortion clinic" in it, hoping the broader applicationto those committing any acts of violence or coercion will be moreacceptable to Republicans and other opponents of his amendment."We're going to push our amendment because it belongs in thebankruptcy bill," said Schumer. But there are indications thatSchumer does not have enough support among his Democraticcolleagues to get his amendment passed. The Schumer amendment,which garnered nationwide opposition by the anti-abortion lobby,influential with the Republican caucus, effectively killed thebankruptcy bill each of the last two congresses because Republicanleaders did not want to put the matter to a final vote.

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