Market Cap of Top 100 Soared 13% in 2d Quarter

Fueled by a strong stock-buying climate, total market value of the nation's top 100 banking companies rocketed 13.2% in the second quarter, to a record $331.4 billion on June 30.

Data from the American Banker quarterly survey of banking industry market capitalization appear on page 22.

New York's Citicorp solidified its No. 1 ranking, gaining 35.8% to reach $23 billion of market capitalization. The market value of U.S. Bancorp, Portland, Ore., fell 7.5% to $2.4 billion, the sharpest decline in the group.

MBNA Corp., Newark, Del., ranked first in market value as a percentage of total assets. Its $5 billion of capitalization equaled 48.5% of assets. Bankers Trust New York Corp. was last in this category, with its $4.9 billion of market value equaling just 4.5% of assets.

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