Today's News


AFTER GAINS early in the year, the national real estate market has slowed this summer. But the FDIC's quarterly survey showed a major rebound in the West and Northeast. Page 2

AGENCY LOBBYISTS: The days of his bearing news of yet another S&L failure are behind him, and legislators no longer dread his calls. Congressional liaison John L. von Seggern sees himself as a communicator of OTS opinion - not as a lobbyist. Second in a series. Page 3


A FRENCH bank note printer in the world is buying Kirk Plastic, the second-largest card maker in the United States - the latest deal involving a European company's acquisition of a North American manufacturer. Page 8


TWO-THIRDS of FHA-insured borrowers in 1995 would have been rejected by private insurers for failing to meet loan-to-value and qualifying ratios, a study finds. Rep. Rick Lazio, R-N.Y., who requested the GAO report, has promised to introduce legislation to rewrite the FHA program next year. Page 6

A TOP EXECUTIVE at Bear, Stearns sticks a pin in the conventional wisdom that mortgage securities backed by balloon loans are too risky. Page 7


WRAP ACCOUNTS that diversify holdings among multiple mutual funds would be well suited to mass marketing, bankers say. Page 10

NATIONSBANK will sell about 300 funds from 20 to 30 fund groups, joining myriad brokerage firms and fund groups fighting to attract investors with one-stop shopping. Page 10


A RAPID SHIFT in how call centers function and an expectation that they generate sales have sent banks scrambling for more technological horsepower and better staff training. Page 12


WHEN A CEO has significant stock holdings in his or her own bank - as is the case for thousands of U.S. banks - particular problems can arise. Page 14


NATWEST's lead role on a $525 million loan/bond package shows that those banks outside the top 10 also can use a one-stop shopping platform to win acquisition financing business. Back page

MOST BANK STOCKS drifted aimlessly, untouched by a bond market rally that helped other stocks in pre-holiday trading. Back page

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