
James Dimon, JPMorgan Chase CEO

Base salary: $1.4M
Total compensation: $23.1M
Change from 2010: 11%
Company ROAA: 0.8%
Total return on company stock: -20%
GMI compensation risk rating: Very high concern — Incentive awards determined at discretion of board rather than by performance benchmarks
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)

Kenneth Chenault, Amex CEO

Base salary: $2M
Total compensation: $23M
Change from 2010: 37%
Company ROAA: 3.3%
Total return on company stock: 12%
GMI compensation risk rating: Very high concern — Generous perquisites, including $200,000 for Chenault's use of company aircraft
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)

John Stumpf, Wells Fargo CEO

Base salary: $2.8M
Total compensation: $19.8M
Change from 2010: 5%
Company ROAA: 1.2%
Total return on company stock: -10%
GMI compensation risk rating: High concern — Long-term performance awards "pay out even if the company underperforms all of its peers but one"
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)

Richard Fairbank, Capital One CEO

Base salary: $0
Total compensation: $18.7M
Change from 2010: 26%
Company ROAA: 1.5%
Total return on company stock: 0%
GMI compensation risk rating: High concern — Pay insufficiently tied to performance; Fairbank could receive $50 million in cash and benefits from change in control
(Data for 2011)

James Rohr, PNC CEO

Base salary: $1.2M
Total compensation: $16.6M
Change from 2010: 0%
Company ROAA: 1.1%
Total return on company stock: -3%
GMI compensation risk rating: Moderate concern — Rohr's pay is more than three times the median for other top executives, raising "concerns about internal pay equity"
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)

Joseph Hooley, State Street CEO

Base salary: $1M
Total compensation: $16.2M
Change from 2010: 25%
Company ROAA: 1.0%
Total return on company stock: -11%
GMI compensation risk rating: High concern — One type of incentive compensation tied to a measure of operating income alone - "a mix of performance metrics is more appropriate"
(Data for 2011)

Vikram Pandit, Citi CEO

Base salary: $1.7M
Total compensation: $14.9M
Change from 2010: $1 in 2010
Company ROAA: 0.6%
Total return on company stock: -44%
GMI compensation risk rating: High concern — 2011 "mega grant" of 500,000 options to Pandit vest over time alone, but prohibition on golden parachutes
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)

Frederick Waddell, Northern Trust CEO

Base salary: $1M
Total compensation: $14.3M
Change from 2010: 12%
Company ROAA: 0.7%
Total return on company stock: -27%
GMI compensation risk rating: Moderate concern — Annual cash incentives "not tied to any specific formula" - explicit performance-based criteria are better
(Image: Bloomberg News; Data for 2011)