Arnould Named Chief Lobbyist ForCalifornia League

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, Calif. - (11/19/04) -- The California CU League announcedThursday it has promoted its chief state lobbyist Bob Arnould to anew position of senior vice president of government affairs, incharge of both state and federal lobbying. Arnould, 49, came to theleague in 1995 and has headed the league's lobbying in bothSacramento and in Reno, Nevada, for the Nevada CU League, which isrun by the California league. During that time he helped passimportant legislation in both states, including the 1999 repeal ofthe California's franchise tax on state chartered credit unions.Prior to coming to the league, Arnould served 17 years in the Iowastate legislature, and in 1991, at the age of 36, became theyoungest speaker of the House in the Hawkeye State.

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