CBA Names Richard Hunt President

The Consumer Bankers Association announced Tuesday that it has chosen Richard Hunt, a former senior managing director and top Republican lobbyist for the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association, as its new president.

Hunt, who also spent 12 years working on Capitol Hill as the district manager and chief of staff for Rep. Jim McCrery, R-La., will take the helm of the CBA in June. Joe Belew, the group's longtime president, died in January.

In an interview, Hunt said he would focus on issues critical to his membership, including student lending, credit cards and a legislative drive to allow judges to modify mortgages in the bankruptcy process.

"If you take a look at all the financial trade associations, CBA will play a unique role because they are the only organization that is fully focused on retail banking," he said. "I'm very excited about the opportunity to focus more on one specific aspect of financial services.

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