At a time when the incidence of domestic violence is high and rising, it is essential that banks recognize that they are uniquely positioned to recognize and respond to clients who may be seeking a way to escape from an abusive relationship.
Moreover, perpetrators of intimate partner violence frequently make bad financial decisions with joint funds, seek emotional leverage through financial control, or pressure their partners to borrow money on their behalf. Money is always complicated, but consequences of financial decisions are intensified in unsafe household environments.
Financial options support women caught in such scenarios. If we acknowledge the role banks play in providing these options, the financial services industry can design and deploy them for maximum impact.
Paulette Perhach popularized the idea of a “
Financial services providers have a responsibility to identify and administer these tools that can meet customers’ needs, especially for those who are in at-risk situations.
The time is now to recognize the opportunity and ability of financial institutions to purposefully empower people to leave destructive household situations, and it is encouraging to see that this is already taking place in many places around the world.
For example, the Australian Banking Association has introduced
This might include a moratorium on loan repayments, alternative ID requirements for those who have left their homes hastily without their wallets and credentials, options to send account statements to a trusted address and even assistance for pet accommodation. Staff make referrals to external support specialists, where appropriate, to help with next steps like a safe exit plan, housing assistance, trauma counseling, or financial counseling. Westpac has sent warning letters, exited customer relationships over poor behavior and, when necessary, reported offenders to law enforcement. Westpac sees itself not only as a financial services provider, but also as an enabler of financial security, aspiring to help its customers meet their changing life needs and pursue economic empowerment at the individual level.
Last year in Latin America, three microfinance institutions (CREDICAMPO and PADECOMSM Credito in El Salvador and ODEF Financiera in Honduras) engaged with the Grameen Foundation to conduct training for its loan officers to learn how to recognize intimate partner violence and other gender-related household risks, upon first meeting clients. These workshops on dynamics of power and conflict in relationships help loan officers to be aware of the wider context of their clients’ lives and prepare them to address real-life challenges through finance.
In the U.S., a California-based organization called FreeFrom created a
Isolating women’s financial lives from their domestic lives often poses perilous consequences. In the fight against intimate partner violence, financial institutions already act as frontline workers, offering immediate and essential resources for women’s welfare and independence on a global level. If we acknowledge and resource this role banks already have, the financial industry can make an increasingly significant impact on curbing domestic violence around the world.