
Who Dat?

A new version of the Waledac malware transforms it from a spam creator to a digital money thief. The malware steals passwords and seeks out ".dat" files, which are used as Bitcoin wallets. (Image: ThinkStock)

Shakespeare in Code

Shylock malware, named for its use of text from The Merchant of Venice in its code, has returned. The security firm Trusteer says it has detected "a significant increase" in machines infected by this financial crimeware, which can change its signature to avoid deletion by some anti-virus programs. (Image: ThinkStock)

Store War

Card networks have been trash-talking PayPal, claiming it lacks the experience needed to police in-store payments. PayPal fired back with claims that its years of handling online payments have prepared it well for a point-of-sale role. (Image: ThinkStock)

Pocket-Size Peril

As big banks push consumers to adopt mobile banking, smaller banks are holding back over security concerns. (Image: ThinkStock)

Google's Gaffe

Google had to patch up a security hole in Google Wallet that allowed hackers to access to a user's funds without knowing the PIN. (Image: Bloomberg News)

No So Unique

Public key cryptography, which protects online banking and webmail, was found to be far less secure than widely believed. The cryptography relies on two large and supposedly unique prime numbers. Researchers discovered that in practice the numbers being used are not always unique. (Image: ThinkStock)

Love Cards

Just prior Valentine's Day, a married couple was arrested for allegedly stealing credit cards from homes in Brookline, Cambridge and Boston. (Image: ThinkStock)