"Voluntary changes are not enough to assure that our lowest-income consumers will be protected in the long run," writes the Democratic House member from New York City.
July 26New York, 12th District -
With an agreement in hand to buy Bank of Commerce Holdings in Sacramento, the Washington company will prioritize filling in a 200-mile gap between the seller's footprint and its own.
June 25 -
The legislation, which takes effect in July, follows a 2019 law that modernized the state's credit union statutes.
April 23 -
John Zmolek has been involved with the Seattle-based institution for more than three decades. A successor has not yet been named.
February 23 -
A deal to bring Coulee Dam FCU into the fold will expand the Spokane, Wash.-based credit union's branch network while providing a wider array of technologies to the former CDFCU members.
January 28 -
Police directed the institution to shut down four branches Wednesday as armed Trump supporters forced their way into the Capitol, and two facilities were on lockdown for several hours during the day.
January 6 -
The company will close nine branches over the next three months.
October 23 -
The Liberty Lake, Wash.-based credit union has agreed to buy four branches from the Roseburg, Ore.-based bank.
September 11 -
The deal continues Sound's push into markets north of its Tacoma headquarters.
August 31 -
A new program is intended to reach individuals without a fixed address or checking account more easily access COVID-19 relief funds — and hopefully keep those consumers as members.
May 27