The White House is calling on the Department of Justice and federal regulators to give bank deals more scrutiny as part of a broader executive order meant to encourage competition across the U.S. economy.
July 9 -
Despite tougher privacy regulations, further safeguards are needed that require consumers' clear consent before personal information is exchanged.
November 10MeasureOne -
Despite tougher privacy regulations, further safeguards are needed that require consumers' clear consent before personal information is exchanged.
November 4MeasureOne -
The financial services industry has struggled with how best to explain privacy and data-sharing practices to customers. Mastercard is offering a new framework.
November 5 -
Mastercard's positioning its effort as a call to action — instead of a mandate — to bring stakeholders together to produce best practices to project data.
October 28 -
A Brooklyn startup predicts a mix of blockchain and AI can give retailers a referral and conversion model like Amazon and eBay, but the merchants will have to cede some data control.
May 16 -
The bank is one of many to realize that artificial intelligence is only as good as the data fed into it.
April 1 -
A paper released by the agency’s Center for Financial Research says aspects of someone’s digital footprint — including whether they use Apple or Android — help predict likelihood of default.
October 4 -
Capital One's dispute with Plaid raised questions about the ability of banks and aggregators to work together. But the end of that fight, and Capital One's deal with Finicity, show common ground can be reached — eventually.
August 10 -
Under GDPR, nothing can happen with the European consumer's data unless they explicitly opt in. American consumers tend to ignore the fine print on company statements regarding the potential uses of their data, leading to an environment where companies expect them to opt in by default.
March 23